Friday, November 12, 2010

The Perils of Being Female

Since Andrew's mother has been in the hospital the outside of our house has kind of fallen into shambles. I do my best to keep the inside of the house looking respectable. I do this in spite of our animals and the laundry and the endless piles of chewed up who-knows-what that Harry leaves around. Point being, I don't normally handle the outside of the house and I believe the time has come.

I have given myself a chore list for the weekend, oh yes, yes I have. I'm going to even out the gravel in the driveway and I'm going to take down the Halloween decorations. I know! I know, Halloween decorations and it's almost Thanksgiving. I'm a mess!

BUT! my main goal is to start repainting a piece of furniture. What piece of furniture you ask? I haven't decided. But, due to my father's hoarding combined with Andrew's hoarding and the once large space that was my barn I am inundated with old ugly furniture that needs some TLC.

Pictures will be coming soon. Please cross your fingers that I don't break anything, pull anything or in other words... maim myself.

I'm going to call this "Kelly's Independence Day Weekend". Wish me luck!

And on a random note, I found MaryJane's slightly thinner, but in no way as adorable doppleganger.


Unknown said...

Where did you find this cat? I thought it was Mj before I read what you wrote!

TKSbyKelly said...

a friend from work sent it to me in an email with a bunch of other cats, totally her doppleganger.